saya hanyalah manusia biasa, yg banyak dipenuhi oleh salah dan khilaf, oleh karena itu jikalau ada postingan saya yg kurang berkenan di hati saudara pembaca sekalian, mohon dimaafkan lahir bathin, karena kebenaran hanya berasal dari Allah, dan kesalahana sepenuhnya ada diri saya...

Minggu, 19 Januari 2020

Sultan Abdul Hamid II's response to the Zionist

Even if you pay me all the gold in this world, even a 150 million pound sterling gold, I will not be able to give you what you ask for. I have been devoted to the religion of Islam and the people of Muhammad for 30 years. During that time, I had never littered the pages of history of the Muslims, my father's mother and my ancestors, and the sultans and caliphs of Othmaniyah. Because of that, I definitely can't grant your request

Sultan Abdul Hamid II's response to the Zionist offer to buy Palestine in 1901

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